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28 November 2011

Silver Shadows

A cousin had posted in...where else,yes ,facebook, a family picture. In the background the splendour of autumn was captured and it was so  eye catching. The leaves on the trees were colours of copper,bronze and gold.In the foreground happiness was written large on the faces of my cousin and her family which I thought must be more priceless than platinum! Copper, bronze, gold, mind wandered to silver and then to the name of her home..Silver Shadows. To me, the name has such a becalming and poetic ring!Thus, these lines came to my mind.[Mind you,this is just my imagination of her home in my mind's eye!]

It’s a clear, chill night.

The moon shines bright

Shedding its silvery light

With its glorious might.

It’s a wondrous delight

To see on such a serene night

Silver Shadowsbeauteous might

Bathed in such heavenly light!

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