Come summer,Virudhunagar Mariamman Pongal happens and schools are closed for the summer holidays.“Virudhunagar Exhibition”is another awaited event and entertainer this time of the year-enjoyed by the old and young.It takes place in the KVS School premises for raising funds and it attracts many people from the nearby towns and villages.Some years back the exhibition was known for serving as a unique family convention center for matrimonial match-making for aspiring grooms and brides.[I hear it isn't so now.]Everyone living out of Virudhunagar makes it a point to come home to partake in the Mariamman Temple festivities and rituals.So at a time like this,with families getting together,it was always fun and every eligible boy or girl in the family had his or her legs pulled about finding a suitable match at the Exhibition!So..... one outcome was a few
There was a man in Virudhunagar
Whose name was Karunakar.
His only ambition
Was to see at the annual exhibition
A beautiful female vision.
There was a boy in the Polytechnic
Who wanted to be a mechanic.
Like a clock that was automatic
He went to class everyday
And now he’s feeding the cow hay.
There was a girl in VVV College
Who sought marriage
To get out of college.
Before she was very inactive
But now she’s very productive.
There were boys at the VHNSN College
Which is at the town’s edge.
Every day they went to college
Riding their old bikes
Thinking of nothing but strikes.
These were written just for fun and not meant to hurt anyone.Please take it in a light vein as limericks are meant to be.Sorry,these limericks don't follow the strict aabba rhyme pattern-my apologies to all my English teachers.
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